A special note from our CEO and Co-Founder, Luke Finn.
To our amazing community – I am so proud to announce that today, we have reached a major milestone… we are now supporting 2,000 incredible attractions businesses around the world!
To every operator who has joined us on this journey – thank you.
Your passion, your commitment, and your dedication to creating exceptional experiences is truly inspiring. This year alone, collectively, you have delighted over 100 million guests! We are honored to play a part in something that has such a positive impact on the world.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in us and for your partnership. Your feedback and collaboration are invaluable to us. We are absolutely committed to continually raising the bar through cutting-edge tools that make your life easier and help you grow your business.
To our incredible team, it goes without saying – we wouldn’t have reached this point without all the outstanding work you do. I love working with you all, and I respect each and every one of you so much.
At ROLLER, our purpose is to help create experiences that bring joy and happiness to the world.
Reaching 2,000 customers is a big milestone, and it’s been an amazing journey since we first started in 2010… but we are just getting started!
We are more excited than ever about the road ahead and continuing this journey with all of you.
And lastly – to help celebrate this moment, we have created a video that expresses why we do what we do, and who we do it for. We hope you enjoy it!
Luke Finn
CEO and Co-Founder