Blog/ Trampoline Parks

Jump In Makes Improvements Through Self-Serve Kiosks


Multi-venue trampoline park operator lifts additional jump time and sock sales, reduces direct-payroll costs by 8% and cuts queue times.

Jump In, one of the UK’s largest trampoline park operators with nine venues, have been piloting a full self-service trampoline ticketing & check-in solution at their Edinburgh and Enfield sites over the past three months. 

The parks have implemented ROLLER’s self-serve kiosks (SSK) to see whether the SSK would deliver an enhanced experience to their customers.

We connected with Miranda Ray, Head of Sales and Marketing at Jump In, to discuss their findings from the pilot venues.


Technology innovation drives revenue growth

ROLLERs innovative self-serve kiosks have enabled Jump In to create a modern and seamless flow from the moment guests arrive at the venue with amazing results.

"Over an 8 week period at our pilot sites, we saw an average 8% direct-payroll cost savings which we fully expect to grow as customer knowledge of our updated entry flow increases. In addition, our initial findings show sales on extra items such as longer jump sessions, 1.5 and 2 hours sessions and socks have increased in the region of up to 7%"

They also noted that when comparing their time and motion studies using their traditional POS entry flow, the SSK flow has dynamically reduced the queue time from arriving at the park to jumping on the trampoline.

"When comparing our Point of Sale (POS) flow to the SSK flow, the time from purchase and check-in was halved. Meaning our customers are experiencing much less queue time during busy periods and more time bouncing & enjoying our café facilities."  

Shift to 'value-add' customer service approach

Outside of the direct revenue increases, Jump In has redefined its customer service approach. The SSKs have created efficiencies and freed their team to do more value-add customer service activities.

NB: A value-add service occurs when your staff offer a ‘value-adding’ experience to your customers. They may greet your customers by asking questions such as ‘How can I enhance your experience today? This is a shift away from a traditional/transactional customer service approach such as a POS operator experience with your customers where they ‘Select or check a ticket, collect check-in details and take payment.

Pleased with the positive results of the SSK solution from a revenue, guest experience and customer service point of view, Jump In are currently assessing the business case for further investment of the solution across their other venues in 2020.

The future is self service 

Through close collaboration with our clients around the world, we are very excited to help venues implement self-serve kiosks (SSK) to drive onsite efficiency improvements, revenue gains and overall enhancement in the guest experience for their customers. 

To learn more about ROLLER's Self Serve Kiosk, click the link below to book a free one-on-one consultation for your business.


For existing ROLLER clients, please connect with your local ROLLER team to express interest.