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ROLLER Payments reports

New and improved ROLLER Pay reports.

The ROLLER Payments beta program has been very successful with participating venues in Europe and Australia. As we prepare to make ROLLER Payments available for general release we’ve introduced several reporting updates.

What's new?


Transactions report

This report combines the three previous export reports (Authorised, Settled and Payouts) into a single report that provides a full audit log of each transaction as it transitions through the payment lifecycle from authorised to settled and paid out.

It's used for detailed reporting of payment transactions including a record for each status change. The new ROLLER reporting framework enables you to group the report by several columns, click on the booking ID to view the booking summary and export to Excel where the groupings are maintained.

Daily summary report

The ROLLER Pay Daily Summary report aggregates daily activity by channel and payment method and displays payment submissions, authorised payments, refunds, chargebacks, settled funds and acquiring fees on those settled funds.

This report is used primarily to summarize daily activity where venues can report on a date range and then group the report by date and status to easily view a day by day reconciliation.

Daily balance report

The ROLLER Pay Daily Balance report records the daily balance of the venues merchant account. As transactions settle daily the value of funds available for payout increases in the merchant account and this report enables venues to track the funds pending payout.

Transactions list

Transactions List view

ROLLER Payments also includes a new Transactions interface which replaces your gateway’s merchant portal. Staff can filter the list of transactions and easily find transactions by card number, transaction ID or Booking ID and is useful for:

  • Searching for payment transactions,
  • Identifying the status of payment(s),
  • Investigating payment disputes, and
  • Confirming the status of a refund.

What's next

ROLLER Payments is due to enter general availability in October - keep an eye out for the official release.