Blog/ Family Entertainment Centers

The Block finds early success with ROLLER

The Block is a family entertainment center located in Wilkes, North Carolina. Multiple attractions are available at The Block, including a trampoline park, inflatable park, ninja warrior park, roller skating rink, and a toddler park. The Block opened in late 2021 and was quickly met with success. In addition to the multiple attractions, guests can participate in, The Block also focuses on birthday parties and private events, looking to tap heavily into group business. With little competition in the area for birthdays, The Block plans to own this space for their region.

Guests visiting The Block have multiple options available to them for admissions. This includes 1-hour and 2-hour entries and a variety of birthday party options. Guests can also purchase gift cards, which make for excellent gifts for friends and family, whether for the holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions.

Easy setup

Mick Zulpo, one of the owners of The Block, reflects favorably on the business decision to implement ROLLER as The Block’s software partner. One of the most intimidating parts of implementing new software can be the onboarding process. Yet, Mick shares that ROLLER quickly eases any concerns regarding the learning curve of learning a new system. “ROLLER was super easy to get up and running.”


At the opening, The Block employed 14 staff members and plans to ramp up to a team of 40-50 as time goes on. The majority of employees at the block are younger, often in high school, which means they expect technology to be smooth and efficient, and not require an excessive amount of training. Mick shares that this has one of the strong points, particularly as it relates to getting his staff up to speed and ready to serve guests in an expedited manner. “The way you guys have set it up made it really easy. ROLLER’s training videos and resources have been very helpful, and overall the system is very user-friendly and smooth, making it really quick for staff to learn to use it – even for high school-aged staff.”

All-in-one platform

In addition to the attractions such as the trampoline park, ninja warrior park, inflatable park, and toddler area, The Block offers food & beverage as an ancillary revenue generator. Instead of having to search for a separate software solution to power food & beverage sales, Mick shares the convenience of using ROLLER to power everything. “We’re using ROLLER for all our activities and restaurant, and it’s great to have one integrated system where everything feeds into one place.” When everything is connected through an all-in-one solution, it makes it much easier to implement, train the team, and organize the data in one place.

Mick shares that The Block has plans for expansion as the business continues to grow, and ROLLER has and will continue to be a large part of the venue’s success. “We’re looking forward to growing with ROLLER as we expand our business!”

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