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10 Proven Travel Marketing Strategies for 2024

10 Proven Travel Marketing Strategies for 2024

As 2024 unfolds, travel marketing is becoming more and more competitive. This calls for travel marketers to adapt and innovate, harnessing new technologies and personalized approaches to engage their audience. 

This article dives into various modern strategies, from the nuanced art of personalization to the engaging realms of virtual and augmented reality. Each section aims to guide marketers on effectively captivating visitors, enriching their experience, and ensuring their attraction stands out in a crowded and competitive market.

Key takeaways

  • Personalization is key to effectively standing out in a crowded space.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality offer immersive ways to showcase destinations and enhance visitor engagement.
  • Effective retargeting and remarketing can significantly increase booking conversions by re-engaging interested customers.
  • Utilizing AI and chatbots in marketing can streamline customer service and offer tailored recommendations.

1. Personalized customer experiences

In 2024, personalization is not just a trend but a necessity to enhance customer loyalty. By harnessing data analytics to understand and respond to individual customer preferences, travel marketers can design tailored interactions that resonate on a personal level. Here are a few strategies to provide personalized experiences:

Data-driven personalization

Utilize data analytics to understand visitor behaviors and preferences. This could include analyzing past visit patterns, purchase history, and feedback.

Customized communication

Send personalized emails or SMS updates based on individual customer profiles in your CRM. For instance, offer special deals on attractions they showed interest in or remind them of upcoming events that align with their past activities.

Tailored itineraries

Create custom itineraries for repeat visitors based on previous visits. Suggest new exhibits or experiences they haven’t tried yet, making each visit unique.

Personalized loyalty programs

Implement loyalty and membership programs that offer rewards tailored to guests' preferences, like discounts on favorite activities or early access to new exhibits. It’s a great way to grow revenue! Elevate generated $2M in membership revenue with ROLLER in just 12 months!

Feedback and customization

Regularly collect feedback with a tool like ROLLER’s Guest Experience Score and use it to tailor experiences. Consider incorporating it into your offerings if visitors frequently mention a particular interest or suggestion.

Strategic pricing models

Use a strategic pricing model that offers special rates or packages based on a visitor’s past spending behaviors or the frequency of visits.

2. Virtual and augmented reality experiences

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are at the forefront of transforming travel marketing. These technologies offer potential travelers a new way to experience destinations before they even set foot there. For travel marketers, these technologies provide an opportunity to create compelling, immersive content that can significantly influence decision-making. Potential travelers are more likely to commit to the experience by offering a virtual taste of what to expect.

VR tours

VR allows users to immerse themselves in a 360-degree representation of your destination. For example, a VR tour of the Louvre would let a user experience walking through its halls, viewing the artwork as if they were physically there.

AR interactive guides

AR takes this further by overlaying digital information in the real world. Imagine pointing a smartphone at an interactive park map to reveal wait times for rides or schedules for shows. Educational themes can come alive as historical facts or scientific data are visually displayed alongside attractions. Integrating AR into rides can transform traditional experiences into immersive adventures.


Both VR and AR can incorporate gamification elements. For instance, a virtual treasure hunt through a waterpark can encourage users to explore different aspects of a destination, increasing their interest and likelihood of visiting.

3. Retargeting and remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are critical strategies for re-engaging users who have shown interest but didn’t complete a booking. This approach involves reaching out to potential customers with targeted messages and offers based on their previous interactions. Through retargeting and remarketing strategies, travel marketers can effectively re-engage potential customers, turning interest into action and increasing booking conversions.

Understanding customer behavior

The first step is to analyze customer behavior on your digital platforms. Identify points where potential customers dropped off or showed high interest but still need to convert. This data forms the basis for your retargeting strategy.

Personalized ads

Use the data to create personalized ads. For example, if a user has been on your site before, retarget them with ads highlighting a special deal or a blog post about your attractions.

Email campaigns

Send personalized email campaigns to users who abandoned their booking cart. Remind them of what they looked at, offer additional information, or provide a time-sensitive discount to encourage completion of the booking.


Segment your audience for more effective retargeting. Different messages should be sent to users based on their engagement, interest, and previous interactions with your brand.

Remarketing tools

Utilize tools like Google AdWords and Facebook Pixel to retarget users across different websites and social media platforms, keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds.

Testing and optimization

Continuously test different retargeting strategies and messages to see what works best. Use A/B testing to refine your approach and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

4. Use chatbots and AI in marketing

Artificial intelligence has made a big splash in many industries, and travel marketing is no exception. AI offers attraction owners options to enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency significantly. Many AI programs can even assist with creating marketing materials, from emails and press releases to outlines for potential blog posts. See below for more ways to use this technology in your marketing strategy.

Automated customer support

Implement chatbots on your website and social media platforms to provide instant answers to common visitor queries, such as opening hours, ticket prices, or special event information. This 24/7 service improves customer satisfaction and reduces the workload on staff. Chatbots can assist in booking and guiding visitors through ticket purchases or reservations for special events, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.

Personalized recommendations

AI algorithms can analyze visitor data and preferences to offer personalized suggestions. For instance, a chatbot could recommend specific rides, shows, or exhibits based on the visitor's interests, enhancing their overall experience.

Feedback collection and analysis

Use AI to gather and analyze visitor feedback, helping to identify areas for improvement or popular attractions. This data-driven approach enables better decision-making and tailored marketing strategies.

5. Influencer and micro-influencer marketing for attractions

For travel marketers, harnessing the power of influencer marketing is an effective strategy for connecting with a broader and more engaged audience. By strategically collaborating with influencers who align with your attraction's theme and values, you can tap into their dedicated follower base and increase visitors.

Partnering with niche influencers

Collaborate with influencers who have a strong following in specific niches relevant to your attraction, such as family bloggers for a theme park or wildlife enthusiasts for a zoo. These partnerships can lead to authentic content that resonates strongly with their followers.

Creating authentic experiences

Invite influencers to experience your attraction and share their genuine experiences with their audience. This could include behind-the-scenes tours, special event access, or exclusive previews of new attractions.

User-generated content campaigns

Encourage influencers to create content showcasing their visit, which can be shared on your platforms. This provides fresh content for your marketing channels and increases credibility among potential visitors.

Targeted promotions

Work with influencers to promote special deals or events, reaching the followers who are likely to be interested in what your attraction offers.

6. Content marketing and native advertising

Content marketing and native advertising are essential components for attractions looking to promote their experiences in an organic and engaging way.

Social media platforms

Utilize social media platforms to share your content. Platforms like Instagram or TikTok are ideal for visually-driven content that can capture the essence of your attraction. Also, consider Facebook ads that can reach a very specific subset of potential customers.

Seamless integration

Use native advertising to integrate promotional content into relevant digital platforms in a natural and unobtrusive way. For instance, a sponsored article on a travel blog about the "Top 10 Family-Friendly Activities" can include your attraction as a recommended visit.

Informative and engaging content

Develop content that provides value to the reader. This could be travel tips, interesting facts about your attraction, or guides on making the most out of their visit.

7. Video marketing and content creation for attractions

In today's visual age, video marketing is an indispensable tool for owners of various attractions, including theme parks, zoos, and cultural landmarks. It provides a dynamic and immersive way for travel marketers to showcase what these unique destinations have to offer, captivating and engaging potential visitors in ways that most printed or text-based content can’t.

Showcasing attractions

Create videos highlighting your attraction's unique aspects, such as thrilling rides, educational exhibits, or spectacular shows. High-quality visuals can convey the excitement and atmosphere much more effectively than text or images alone.


Use videos to tell stories about your attraction. This could include the history behind a historic site, behind-the-scenes glimpses of a theme park, or conservation efforts at a zoo. Storytelling also helps build an emotional connection with the audience.

Customer testimonials

Feature real visitor experiences and testimonials. Seeing others enjoying and recommending your attraction can be a powerful motivator for potential visitors.

Educational content

For attractions with educational elements, videos can be an engaging way to impart knowledge and information about the subjects of your exhibits or themes.

8. Search engine optimization (SEO)

For travel marketers, SEO is essential in ensuring their venue appears prominently in search engine results, attracting more organic website visitors.

Keyword optimization

Identify and integrate relevant keywords that potential visitors use when searching for attractions like yours. This includes location-based keywords, specific attraction types, and thematic keywords related to your attraction. Be careful not to overdo it, as over-using keywords (or “keyword stuffing”) can negatively impact your search rankings.

Content creation

Regularly update your website with fresh, engaging content about your attraction, such as blog posts about upcoming events, new exhibits, or visitor guides. Quality content not only boosts SEO but also provides value to your visitors.

Local SEO

Enhancing local SEO is pivotal for online visibility. Ensure your Google Business Profile is accurate and complete, including up-to-date information like address, phone number, and business hours. Regularly verify your locations and manage responses to customer reviews, as these elements influence your local search ranking. Adding quality photos of your attraction can also enhance your profile's appeal.

Mobile optimization

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as more users search on mobile devices. A mobile-optimized website can also contribute positively to your SEO rankings, as most search engines practice “mobile-first” indexing.

Page speed and user experience

Improve your website’s loading speed and overall user experience, as search engines consider these factors in ranking websites. Fancy interactive elements can harm your site’s performance by bogging download times. This can be frustrating to users and negatively impact their overall experience.

9. Email newsletters

Email newsletters are effective tools for keeping your attraction in the minds of potential visitors. They can help show new updates to your space and help keep your brand in your customers’ minds.

Regular newsletters

Send out regular email newsletters to your subscribers with updates about new attractions, special events, or exclusive offers. Ensure the content is engaging and provides real value to encourage readers to visit.

Segmentation and personalization

Segment your email list based on visitor interests or past visits and tailor the content to suit these segments. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and can drive more conversions.

10. Review marketing

Managing and leveraging customer reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor is crucial for building credibility and trust. Encourage satisfied visitors to leave positive reviews by creating easy access to review platforms. Actively monitor and respond to these reviews, showing appreciation for positive feedback and addressing any concerns raised in negative reviews. This interaction demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and provides valuable insights for improvement.

Read this next: GC Aqua Park Grows Online Reviews by 567% in 12 months with the Guest Experience Score

Staying ahead means always looking ahead

The future of travel marketing lies in a blend of technology, personalization, and strategic engagement. By adopting these diverse strategies, from leveraging data for personalization to embracing the latest in VR/AR technology, attractions can create unforgettable experiences that resonate with visitors. 

Emphasizing customer engagement through innovative marketing methods will enhance the visitor experience and drive success in the competitive landscape of 2024.