As technology evolves, so too does the way we use it.
While some technological advances can be applied across many industries, there is an emergence of industry-specific innovation in the leisure and attractions industry.
One innovation which is growing in popularity is digital waivers. Digital waivers are quick and easy-to-use and help ensure safety, compliance and legality for your venue.
Without a pre-signed digital waiver, you will require the customer to sign a physical waiver, which will need to be explained to them first. This certainly is not a good use of your time, resources or money.
Digital Waivers vs Paper-Based Waivers
The most obvious advantage of using digital waivers is the elimination of paperwork. The costs involved with storing paper-based waivers is significant. It’s a poor use of resources and physical space and the waivers can be difficult to track down and retrieve easily. Poorly stored paper-based waivers can become a legal liability to your business due to the risks involved such as security and potential mishandling.
Simply put, it’s much easier to quickly locate a digital waiver than paper-based documents. And with digital waivers, the waiver holder also receives a copy of the completed document via email.
Getting Waivers Signed Quickly and Easily
Digital waivers only need to be signed once, can be filed for up to 365 days and can be easily retrieved from a Point-of-Sale (POS) system. ROLLER makes it easy to locate digital waivers in your POS system as you can search for a waiver using the guest’s name, email or date of birth. With modern software, like ROLLER, a venue can automatically send an email to a customer whose digital waiver is about to expire, inviting them to resign. This creates simplicity and efficiency for your venue.
Paper-based waivers generally need to be filled out by the customer each time they visit your venue, which can create long waiting times and waste money through unnecessary labor.
Digital waivers can easily be made a part of the booking process, which means a customer can complete one at the time of purchase. In addition to being an effective process for your venue, it’s also quick and easy for the customer, which in turn sets them up for a positive experience with you from the very start.
The alternative is a customer will be required to stand in line at your venue, have a staff member explain the waiver, before the customer is asked to review and sign a physical copy and then wait for an available staff member to hand it back. Naturally, this is a poor use of time for both venue and customer and not to mention a real downer for a customer who just wants to have fun.
Digital Waivers Allow You to do Even More
Digital waivers also let you understand more about your customer by capturing valuable data. While paper-based waivers are mostly generic consent forms, their digital cousin lets you include additional questions to learn more about customers. You can also ask your customers to tick a box that provides consent to receiving marketing material from you. If a customer opts in, their contact information is automatically collated and included in your database.
Go Digital with ROLLER
It’s time to do away with burdensome paper-based waivers and integrate ROLLER’s new and improved digital waivers into your business. The easy-to-use system is the most efficient and cost-effective way to protect your company and its employees. It’s also a great way of providing a pleasant customer experience and increasing your business’ likelihood of better understanding your customers’ needs.
To read more about Digital Waivers and see how all-in-one software can benefit your venue, click the button below to download your free eBook.