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Spooky or Too Soon? How to Time Your Halloween Decorations Just Right

Spooky or Too Soon? How to Time Your Halloween Decorations Just Right

In recent years, it seems like holidays are arriving earlier and earlier. From stores displaying Christmas decorations in October to Halloween merchandise popping up in the heat of summer, it's easy to wonder: how early is too early to start celebrating?

This trend has left many venue operators questioning when exactly to roll out the spooky décor for Halloween, without risking holiday fatigue.

In this article, we’ll explore the growing trend of early Halloween decorations and help you decide the right time to start decorating for your venue. We’ll also dive into how you can apply this strategy to other holidays throughout the year to keep your venue feeling fresh and exciting for guests.

The Halloween trend: Starting earlier each year

During the Halloween season, theme parks like Liseberg in Sweden and Kennywood in the US transform with themed decorations, themed entertainment, and seasonal attractions. This change shows the potential of a complete thematic overhaul to attract visitors during off-peak season, rejuvenate a park’s appeal, and offer new experiences to regular visitors. But when, exactly, does the Halloween season start? 

According to the Guardian, Halloween celebrations are becoming more prominent long before October rolls around. In fact, major retailers are stocking Halloween merchandise as early as August, responding to consumer demand and a growing excitement for the spooky season.

Theme parks, in particular, have noticed this shift. A recent report by Reuters highlights how demand for Halloween-themed attractions continues to grow, with venues experiencing sold-out events weeks in advance. As the desire for extended celebrations rises, so does the pressure to start planning and decorating early.

But how early is too early for Halloween decorations?

Some might argue that beginning your Halloween festivities too soon could lead to burnout, while others believe it builds excitement and anticipation. As Forbes points out, venues like Universal Studios have mastered the art of early Halloween celebrations, drawing crowds with their iconic "Halloween Horror Nights" starting in early September. This strategy has helped create a consistent buzz around the holiday, leaving fans eager to attend.

Read this next: How to Drive More Local Visitation to Your Theme Park: A Comprehensive Guide

When is the right time for Halloween at your venue?

So, should your venue follow suit and embrace early Halloween decorations, or hold off until closer to the actual holiday?

The answer depends on several factors including your audience, business goals, location, and the unique atmosphere of your venue. For many, starting in early September strikes the right balance between extending the celebration and avoiding overexposure.

To gauge the right timing for your decorations, consider these factors:

  • Event planning: Do you have specific Halloween events or attractions that kick off in early fall? Starting your decorations early can help build momentum.
  • Audience preference: Do your customers enjoy celebrating early, or are they more likely to engage closer to the holiday itself? Look at what other venues in your community are doing—are they trendsetters or missing out on early excitement?
  • Business goals: If you aim to maximize foot traffic during the off-season, early Halloween decorations can help attract guests and boost attendance.

It's not just Halloween: Other holidays to consider

Seasonal and pop-up-themed areas provide theme parks with a fresh and dynamic feel, ensuring that every visit offers something new. Halloween may be the current focus, but the trend of early decorating applies to other holidays as well. For example, Christmas decorations often appear as early as November 1st, just after Halloween. However, some venue operators worry that starting too early could diminish the impact of the holiday season.

To help manage the demands of year-round celebrations, we suggest creating a seasonal event calendar to plan your decorations and keep guests engaged throughout the year. This calendar ensures that your venue stays vibrant and exciting, with timely holiday and seasonal decorations that captivate visitors.

Consider decorating for these seasonal events and holidays:

  • Valentine’s Day (February 14): Decorate with hearts, roses, and love-themed elements to create a romantic atmosphere for couples and families.
  • Easter (March/April): Pastel colors, egg hunts, and bunny-themed décor can turn your venue into a springtime wonderland.
  • Summer events (June-August, or December-February in the Southern Hemisphere): Think fun, outdoor-themed parties with bright colors, summer games, and festival vibes to engage visitors during the hottest months.
  • Back-to-school (August/September, or January-February in the Southern Hemisphere): Help ease the transition with decorations that appeal to families, like chalkboards, apples, and classroom themes.
  • Halloween (October): Embrace pumpkins, spooky skeletons, and haunted house decorations to build anticipation for the big night.
  • Thanksgiving (November): Warm colors, harvest-themed decorations, and cozy vibes can bring the fall season to life.
  • Christmas and winter holidays (December): Classic decorations like Christmas trees, wreaths, and twinkling lights can create a magical winter wonderland at your venue.

Read more: Craft Memorable Experiences with These 9 Theme Park Ideas

Create a year-round decorating strategy

Decorating your venue isn't just about going all out for major holidays like Halloween and Christmas. By planning smaller, themed decorations and localized events throughout the year, you can keep your venue feeling fresh and exciting for guests. Creating a year-round decorating strategy allows you to constantly engage your visitors with new experiences, keeping them coming back season after season.

Tips for a successful decorating calendar:

  • Plan ahead: Mark all major holidays and seasonal events on your calendar, and set timelines for when to put up and take down decorations.
  • Balance big and small events: Focus on a few major holidays but don't forget about smaller local events and festivities that can bring fun and variety to your venue.
  • Consider guest feedback: Pay attention to how guests respond in real time with our guest experience software and adjust accordingly.
  • Use versatile décor: Invest in decorations that can be easily adapted for multiple holidays, saving time and money.
  • Don’t forget about marketing! Make sure to include your seasonal festivities in your marketing – and you can take this a step further by personalizing your content based on what your guests love, with help from ROLLER’s CRM.

After each seasonal event, remember to analyze the results of the themed period so that you can see what's working and what isn't. This way, you can keep growing your business based on actionable data and make next year's festivities even bigger and better.

The power of seasonal decorations for attraction venues

Seasonal decorations offer more than just a festive atmosphere—they can significantly impact your venue’s revenue and guest experience. By aligning your décor with special events and holidays, you can increase party bookings, upsell opportunities, and improve membership engagement. Here's how to make the most of seasonal decorating at your venue.

Theme parties

Halloween and other seasonal events offer a great opportunity to host themed parties that drive revenue. Take advantage of seasonal demand by promoting special packages that include party bookings, decorations, and themed entertainment.

Seasonal menus

Highlight unique offerings like seasonal menus with easy-to-use mobile food and beverage ordering. Encourage upsells to seasonal meal packages alongside tickets at checkout to enhance the guest experience.

Membership-only seasonal activities and VIP nights

Create exclusive events for members, such as VIP nights or membership-only Halloween activities. These events not only add value for members but also help strengthen your venue’s membership program by offering special perks like priority access to attractions or discounts.

Themed packages

You can also combine tickets, food & beverage, and merchandise in a single package to increase upselling opportunities at checkout. Offering these bundles not only enhances the overall guest experience but also increases revenue by encouraging guests to purchase more.

Planning for success

Ultimately, the right time to start decorating for Halloween depends on your venue, audience, and goals. While some venues find success launching spooky celebrations as early as September, others prefer to wait until October. By creating a balanced seasonal event calendar, you can keep guests engaged and excited all year long—without holiday burnout.

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