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How to Turn Interest Into Party Bookings: Party Parent Campaigns Part 1

How to Turn Interest Into Party Bookings: Party Parent Campaigns Part 1

Children's birthdays are a year-round opportunity for operators within the attractions industry, and they’re also set to grow at an annual rate of four percent. This growth is complemented by a recent study that found over 40% of families opt to host parties at venues like play centers. This makes parents and other caregivers the prime audience for birthday party campaigns.

When it comes to reaching parents, email and SMS marketing remain some of the most effective tools in your arsenal. Nearly two-thirds of purchases are a direct result of email. By using existing customer data, you can craft personalized campaigns based on past bookings or venue interactions, creating a direct connection with the recipient for higher conversions.

But what if you’re too busy running a venue and creating memorable experiences? This is where automation handles the heavy lifting without adding to your workload. In this three-part Party Parent series, we'll show you how to convert parents into eager bookers and prepare your venue for success right up to the big event. Let’s dive into proven post-engagement email and SMS strategies that'll turn that initial spark of interest into confirmed bookings for those all-important children's birthday parties.

Foundations of success: Integrated systems

Integrating ROLLER with a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, such as Klaviyo or HubSpot, allows you to use your venue's data to create personalized marketing. This data can include a child's birthday, their parents' contact details, and past spending behavior.

We recommend consulting with a system integration specialist at this stage, as they can ensure the accurate transfer of data to enable the following:

  • Data policy waivers: Parents who have engaged with your venue may have already completed the necessary email and SMS marketing consents via your ROLLER system. With this information automatically transferred to your CRM, your campaign will remain compliant.
  • Parent profile linking: With the ability to link child profiles to their parents, your CRM will be able to automate timely email and SMS sequences to parents based on their child's birthday or preferences.

Let automation do the heavy lifting

Consistency is key to staying in the minds of parents during the decision-making process. The more they think of your venue, the more likely it is they’ll convert, which is why you should make use of automation. Automated campaigns are a hands-off approach that can scale alongside your campaign by accommodating increasing recipients as time goes on – allowing you to reach a wider audience without additional strain on resources. This saved time can be allocated to other essential tasks, such as customer service, refining your offerings, or developing new marketing strategies.

How to create engaging countdown emails 

Creating an automated campaign flow for birthday planning isn't just about distributing content—it's about understanding and tapping into the typical parent's timeline and readiness to act. By adopting a tiered approach to your email and SMS sequences, you're reaching out to the different types of parents—those who plan methodically and those who act spontaneously. 

8 weeks before the big day

Kick things off with a bang. Parents appreciate a good heads-up, allowing ample time to explore options and gather ideas about the perfect party. At this stage, introduce them to your venue and illustrate how it could host a spectacular celebration, fostering early excitement and setting the scene for further communications.

6 weeks out: time to get serious

This crucial touchpoint reignites interest and could prompt action from parents who took an initial look but have yet to commit. Here, emphasize the advantages of early booking and the unique customization opportunities available, gently pushing toward commitment with a blend of informative content and tasteful enthusiasm.

4 weeks to go: decision time

With just four weeks left, it’s the perfect moment to entice those who may have put planning on the back burner. Create a sense of urgency and perhaps a gentle nudge about securing their spot before it's too late.

This type of email sequence has been particularly successful for Adventure Air, a high-performing trampoline park. Within just three months of implementation, automated parent-party campaigns became a consistent revenue stream.

Abandoned carts

Did someone show interest but still needs to complete the birthday party booking? Trigger an ‘abandoned cart’  birthday campaign. Send a friendly reminder via email or SMS, perhaps with a personal touch: "Looks like you're one step away from booking the birthday bash of the year! Can we help wrap things up?"

Make the most of your emails with a swift SMS sidekick

SMS is a superhero in disguise for reaching parents on the go. It's direct, fast, and opens the door for instant engagement. Short, sweet messages that call for action can be surprisingly effective at nudging parents toward booking that dream party for their kiddo. For the ultimate one-two punch, try synchronizing your SMS campaigns with your email efforts. A text can serve as a gentle reminder of an email offer, creating a cohesive message that’s hard to ignore.

Craft content that converts

Developing content that speaks directly to parents and guardians means stepping into their shoes. What's important to them? Safety, fun, and unforgettable memories. Tailor your messages to highlight how your venue delivers on all these fronts by leveraging the following strategies.


Every parent's journey to booking is unique, and your campaigns should reflect that. With automatic ROLLER guest data transfers, tailor campaigns to use the child's name, mention their favorite themes, and even throw in a special offer. This makes your content relevant, increasing your campaign results while keeping costs down. 

Read more: Unlocking the Power of Analytics: How to Leverage Data for Marketing

Stories that sell

Share success stories, glowing testimonials, and case studies that show off the fantastic experiences other families have had at your venue. These real-life tales aren't just powerful; they prove you can deliver the magic.

Show, don’t tell

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video? Even more. Use visual content to give parents and kids a glimpse into the thrilling adventures that await. High-quality photos, engaging videos, and informative infographics can all help paint the picture of a perfect birthday bash.

Calls-to-actions that move mountains

Whether it's an urgency-driven "Book now to secure your spot!" or an exclusivity-laced "Exclusive offer for our email subscribers!", the right CTA can turn a maybe into a yes. The placement, color, and wording of your CTAs can significantly impact their effectiveness. Test different combinations to find what works best for your audience, aiming always to make that next step (booking the party) as easy and enticing as possible.

Where to next?

Turning interest into bookings is about staying connected, being persuasive, and making the decision as easy as possible for parents. With the right mix of automated email marketing, snappy SMS campaigns, engaging content, and compelling CTAs, you’re well on your way to becoming the go-to venue for unforgettable birthday bashes.

Eager to see these strategies in action? In part two of our Party Parent Campaigns: Mastering Party Planning, we’ll dive into how you can automate key planning processes once you’ve secured bookings.