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Unlocking the Power of Analytics: How to Leverage Data for Marketing

Unlocking the Power of Analytics: How to Leverage Data for Marketing

Good marketing can be the difference between a packed venue and a quiet one, so it’s important to arm yourself with a robust marketing strategy that increases visitation and spend per head. This might sound like something that’s easier said than done, but with the right toolkit, you can shave hours of time off your planning and turn your existing data into highly effective marketing fuel. 

In this article, we explore how ROLLER Analytics, created in partnership with Google BigQuery, empowers you to use guest data for personalized marketing, ultimately boosting engagement and revenue.

Why personalized marketing matters

Delivering your audience personalized marketing is key to conversions. Let’s put it this way. You receive two invites to attend an event at a venue on the same day: 

Invite 1
Has no name on it, you don’t particularly like the planned activities, and it states pizza is the only lunch option (you’re lactose intolerant). Oh, and the venue is a four-hour drive away. They only have your email because you booked a work event there five years ago.  

Invite 2
Comes from a local venue you visit often and has your name on it. You love the activities they’re offering, and it comes with a complimentary falafel pack (your fave, you’ve ordered it there before). Plus, you’ll collect loyalty points if you attend. 

Which invite would you be more likely to consider? That’s the power of personalization and knowing what your customers want. Modern guests expect tailored experiences that cater to their preferences and behaviors. By utilizing data-driven insights, you can craft marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Read this next: Your Guide to Boosting Revenue through Data-Driven Decisions

Understanding guests is easy with ROLLER Analytics

Now we’ve outlined the importance of personalization, let’s look at how you can use Analytics to add a personal touch to your marketing. ROLLER Analytics integrates seamlessly within the ROLLER platform, giving you access to intuitive dashboards that capture your venue’s performance. One area Analytics captures is guest insights. 

Analytic’s guest insights dashboard.
Analytic’s guest insights dashboard.

This guest dashboard helps you identify key questions about guest behavior and spending, such as:

  • Repeat visitation rate: What percentage of guests are repeat visitors?
  • Spend per head: What is the average amount spent by each guest on tickets?
  • Ancillary spend per head: How much do guests typically spend on items other than tickets?
  • Median age of guests: What's the median age of our guests?
  • Trends over time: How do guest visitation and spending habits change month to month?

Using this data, we can then start to plan marketing activity around it. 

How to turn this Analytics data into effective marketing 

A venue could capitalize on repeat visit trends by enticing guests to purchase a membership through marketing that highlights the value and potential savings. For instance, messaging like “Did you know that you could have saved 50% with a membership if you’ve visited twice or more this year?” could connect with the audience that we know is returning time and time again, and show the value of the offering and missed opportunity. 

To bring this marketing campaign to life, the venue should opt for marketing activities that can be personalized, such as targeted emails, SMS messages, direct mail, and even verbal offers the next time a guest returns! Using CRM technology can help weed out anyone from the database that the messaging doesn’t apply to. 

This kind of activity is more likely to succeed than a campaign built around a gut feeling because the data helps identify the low-hanging fruit – ensuring the marketing spend is being used effectively. In fact, personalization can increase marketing spend efficiency by up to 30% and reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 50%.

Once the campaign is out there in the wild, any conversions will secure a steady income for the venue and enhance the recipient's guest experience because the messaging shows that the venue understands their needs. And all of this is possible within the ROLLER platform without having to purchase any additional software or engage with complicated tools! 

Read this next: Want to Increase Party Bookings? Be Sure to Invite ROLLER Analytics

Measuring campaign effectiveness

Reviewing your Analytics dashboard regularly can help you assess campaign performance based on return visits, spend per guest, and even what guests are spending their money on. This allows you to refine your strategies and ensure your efforts get the desired results. 

Hot tip: If you want to A/B test different marketing campaign ideas, one way to track effectiveness is to use unique discount codes for each version. Simply see which code outperforms the other and then double down on the winner. 

Tips to keep on top of your marketing campaigns  

To keep you on the right track, you should:

  • Set clear objectives: Define what success looks like for your marketing campaigns and set measurable goals.
  • Monitor progress: Regularly review your Analytics dashboards to track progress toward your goals.
  • Adjust strategies: Be prepared to pivot your strategies based on what the data is telling you.

By continually following these steps, you’ll soon see the benefits of personalized marketing and enhanced guest engagement.

Are you ready to leverage Analytics for personalized marketing?

Harnessing the power of guest data through ROLLER Analytics can significantly improve your marketing efforts and boost engagement. By making informed, data-driven decisions, you can create personalized experiences that keep guests coming back for more.

Analytics is free for all ROLLER customers, and Advanced Analytics is available on the Premium and Enterprise plans. Find out more or upgrade via our Help Center today!

Not a ROLLER customer? Book a demo and see how ROLLER can help you grow your business.