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Your Guide to Boosting Revenue through Data-Driven Decisions

Your Guide to Boosting Revenue through Data-Driven Decisions
Running an attraction venue is a competitive business, which is why making the most of each day is crucial for continued growth and success. While that might sound like a lot of work, the key is to leverage the right tools. There’s a lot of truth in the expression “work smarter, not harder!” 

In this article, we outline the beauty of ROLLER’s Analytics offering and how it empowers you to use your data to fuel revenue-increasing strategies. 

Why data-driven decisions matter

Whether you know it or not, your venue is swimming in data. Each and every transaction and interaction paints a picture of your performance and can help inform your next moves. With ROLLER Analytics, your data is aggregated for you and displayed in intuitive dashboards within the ROLLER platform. This allows you to make data-driven decisions with ease! 

Making decisions that are based on data provides a concrete foundation for your strategic planning by helping you identify trends, optimize pricing, and enhance guest experiences. By using ROLLER Analytics, created in partnership with Google BigQuery, you can transform raw data into actionable insights that drive growth, efficiency and revenue.

Read this next: Save Up to 125 Hours per Year With Analytics

Understanding ROLLER Analytics

ROLLER Analytics is a powerful tool that integrates seamlessly with the ROLLER platform, offering insights into your venue’s performance. With intuitive dashboards and easy-to-read reports, you can monitor key metrics related to revenue, guest behavior, and operational efficiency. This eliminates the need for manual data analysis and allows you to focus on strategic decision-making.

Before Analytics, we had to download Excel files to do our reporting, which took up so much time. With Analytics, ROLLER has some of the best reporting of all booking systems because you have everything you need in a few clicks. We use it daily to see what’s working and what’s not working. Now I don’t have to spend three hours each week on reporting because I can find the information I need so much faster.
Marvin Reuter
Owner, Geheimdepot


Read this next: How ROLLER’s Analytics Tool Saves Geheimdepot 3 Hours of Reporting Time Each Week

How to identify revenue-generating opportunities through data 

Here are different ways that you can use your data from ROLLER Analytics to make decisions that influence and improve your revenue: 

Optimize pricing 

Analytics enables you to understand demand patterns and adjust prices to maximize revenue without deterring guests. You can also see which of your products are selling well and identify which combinations of services and products generate the most revenue to ensure your packages are as enticing as possible

Revenue-raising idea: Offer exciting packages that appeal to a broad range of guests, with options that cover all your bases. Consider both value for money and the flow of your venue when designing your packages. Ideally, you’ll want to offer access to your popular attractions, as well as some of the quieter ones, to make the most of your space. 

Read this next: 10 Package Ideas That Will Increase Spend-Per-Head

Better understand your guests to enhance marketing campaigns

Analytics helps you learn more about your guests, including repeat visitation rates, average spend, and guest age, which can boost the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By utilizing the data you’re collecting, you can incentivize loyal customers, trial promotions to increase spend per head, or diversify your packages based on what’s working.  

Revenue-raising idea: Offer your regulars specials and discounts that relate to their interests to increase conversions. Think of it this way, a generic offer has a chance of being irrelevant before it even hits their inbox, whereas something bespoke and backed by data is like having a crystal ball into what delights the recipient. 

Boost membership sales and retention 

You can use data to identify potential members and tailor membership offers to their preferences and spending habits. Analytics helps with retention, too, as you can monitor membership engagement and implement retention strategies to reduce churn and increase lifetime value.

Revenue-raising idea: Engage your members with exclusive offers, discounts, and VIP treatments to avoid unnecessary churn. By continually demonstrating the value of your membership program, you’ll make it less likely that guests want to leave. 

Read this next: How ROLLER Analytics Helps Venues Grow Memberships

Streamlining operations

By utilizing your Analytics data, you can use historical data to predict peak times and schedule staff accordingly, reducing labor costs while maintaining service quality. Through guest experience feedback, you can track staff performance and identify areas for training and improvement – both of which can result in more revenue by reducing overheads and increasing return visits. 

Revenue-raising idea: Look for peak times for snack, meal, and drink orders and ease the pressure off your staff by implementing self-service F&B options, such as QR-based ordering. Orders through self-service options typically result in 33% higher spend per head. Plus, you’ll be freeing up your staff from taking orders so they can focus on other areas of your business! 

Party management

Parties and group bookings are a surefire way to increase revenue at your venue. Advanced Analytics can help you learn more about your party bookings by analyzing data such as average party size by month and week, values of your bookings, and spend per head. This helps you better strategize and make the most of these lucrative packages. 

Revenue-raising idea: Look at peak times and preferences for your party bookings and consider ways you can fill any gaps in your calendar. Are you leaving corporate booking income on the table by limiting mid-week slots? Could closing later on the weekend provide you with a boost? There’s a lot you can do to optimize your bookings in this area! 

Read this next: Want to Increase Party Bookings? Be Sure to Invite ROLLER Analytics

How to turn your Analytics insights into action

Data is only valuable if it leads to action. With ROLLER Analytics, you can:

  • Set clear objectives: Define what success looks like for your venue and set measurable goals.
  • Monitor progress: Regularly review your Analytics dashboards to track progress toward your goals.
  • Adjust strategies: Be prepared to pivot your strategies based on what the data is telling you.

By continually following the above points, you’ll soon reap the benefits and make the most of your revenue-boosting strategies. 

Are you ready to increase revenue with Analytics? 

Harnessing the power of data-driven decisions can significantly boost your revenue and streamline your operations. ROLLER Analytics offers the tools you need to transform data into actionable insights, enabling you to optimize pricing, enhance marketing efforts, improve membership retention, and streamline operations. By making informed decisions, you can ensure your venue remains competitive and profitable!

Analytics is free for all ROLLER customers, and Advanced Analytics is available on the Premium and Enterprise plans. Find out more or upgrade via our Help Center today!

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